Aries Season

Aries season yogasana

Very first sign of the zodiac wheel , Aries is the I. It is the sign of self-affirmation . Spontaneous , courageous , dynamic , the ram is a leader . He wants to be first, he wants to create, lead, conquer.

He rushes first, the reflection will come, but later.

He lives the present moment perfectly!

Aries needs something concrete to move forward, and adversity. Obstacles stimulate him. Be careful not to become too impulsive!

Aries Identity Card:

  • Date : March 21 - April 20
  • Element : Fire
  • Polarity : Yang
  • Chakra : Solar Plexus
  • Values : Spontaneity, courage, dynamism, self-confidence
  • Mode : Cardinal
  • Planet : Mars
  • Tarot Card : The Emperor

Rituals for Aries Season:

Set your intentions for the month and the new zodiac year that is beginning.

Doing sports to expend energy and to channel it. A vinyasa practice dynamic will be welcome.

Writing exercise : “ How am I a unique person? ” to work on self-affirmation.

Take action, above all, don't hold back !

Repeat the following mantra to yourself every day 👇

The mantra for Aries season:

I realize myself and I take action

The Yoga Sequence for Aries Season:

yoga sequence aries season astrology yogasana To discover more sequences, it's here!

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🙏pour cette attention.

Valy Boyer

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