The Root Chakra, Muladhara

muldadhara chakra

The Root Chakra represents our life force, it is the seat of the Kundalini.

Root Chakra Identity Card

Color : Red

Location : at the perineum level

Element : Earth

Keywords : Earth connection, grounding, security, stability, vitality

Musical note : C

Mantra: Lam

Tarot Card : The Emperor

Is your Root Chakra balanced? 

The chakra is harmonious in people who are grounded, courageous, passionate, strong-willed, daring, full of joy of life, who take initiatives and are not afraid of conflicts.

It can be blocked by different disorders such as change or the fear of missing out for example.

Self-judgment, pride, lack of open-mindedness, anger, lack of self-confidence, attachment to rules & structures are many signs of a dysfunctional chakra.

So what can be done to balance it?

To see the full set of postures, click here.

What yoga postures stimulate the Root chakra? 

Mountain pose, Tadasana

Easy Pose, Sukhasana

The Warrior 1, Virabharasana 1

The Corpse, Savasana

Which mantras to stimulate the Root chakra? 

I am safe.

I am anchored to the Earth.

I have a healthy body.

Other Ways to Stimulate the Root Chakra

Vetiver essential oil is excellent for working on the connection to the Earth, anchoring. To be applied by massage to the soles of the feet, every evening before going to bed. Wearing red clothing and/or underwear also helps stimulate the Root chakra. Foods rich in protein or red in color such as tomatoes are excellent.

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