Why chant mantras?


Yoga is an ancient spiritual practice that has become popular around the world due to its mental and physical health benefits. One of the most important practices in yoga is the repetition of mantras. Mantras are sacred phrases or words that are repeated to help focus and connect with the mind. In this article, we will discuss the importance of mantras in the practice of yoga.

What is a mantra?

In Sanskrit, mantra comes from "Manas": mind / thought, and "tra": instrument / which protects. A mantra is a phrase or sound that protects the body and mind.

The first mantras are believed to have come from the Vedas and date back to 1500-1000 BC.

Mantras can be:

  • syllables
  • words
  • whole sentences

Often they are associated with deities or spiritual concepts. Their power is based on their vibrations .

Why chant mantras? What are their benefits on the body & mind?

Repeated repeatedly during a meditation or yoga practice, mantras help to:

  • Calm the mind
  • Release stress & tension
  • Improve concentration
  • Bringing Joy

Examples of common mantras in Yoga

The mantra OM

By definition, OM is a bija mantra ; that is, it is composed of a single syllable.

It represents the original sound, it is the first, primordial and divine vibration from which everything in the universe was created.

The Gayatri Mantra

Om bhur bhuvah svah

state of knowledge

bhargo devasya dhimahi

dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

The Gayatri Mantra is a 24-syllable passage from the Rig Veda, the most sacred text of the Vedas (ancient sacred texts). It is one of the oldest mantras in the Hindu tradition. Also known as the 'Garumantra', it means 'the master's mantra'.

Traditionally, it is recited by Brahmins to pay homage to the sun at the time of its rising and setting. Gayatri is considered to be the supreme mantra that nourishes the divinity in each of us.

Symbolism of the Sun

A source of light, heat and energy, the Sun is essential to life and creation. Its source of light dispels darkness, in this sense, the Sun guides us towards knowledge (as opposed to ignorance).

In Sanskrit, Gayatri is composed of two words: ga, ode, hymn and tri, three.


There are many translations and interpretations of the Gayatri Mantra, here are the most common ones

We choose the Supreme Light of the divine Sun; we aspire that It may stimulate our spirits.

Om, Earth, Atmosphere, Sky. May we focus our attention on the alluring radiance of the rising and setting sun, the one that animates. May it inspire our thoughts and meditations.

In any case, and as with all mantras, the power of this sacred chant comes from its vibrational properties, which will resonate in each of us.

Ganesha Maha Mantra

In honor of God Ganesh, god of yogis.

Sa Ta Na Ma

Who speaks of cycles and eternal recommencement.

His : the index - knowledge, expansion - birth

Ta : the middle finger - wisdom, power - life

Na : ring finger - energy, sun - death

My : auricular - communication - rebirth.

What is your favorite mantra?

mantra definition

gayatri mantra

mantra om

mantra sa ta na ma

favorite mantra

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1 comment

OM et Gayatri sont mes preferes ! Merci pour toutes ces infos !


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