The sacral chakra, Svadhisthana

The Sacral Chakra is the center of our emotions and feelings.

Sacral Chakra Identity Card

Color : Orange

Location : below the navel

Element : water

Keywords : emotions, pleasure, sexuality, creation, new experiences

musical note : D

Mantra: Vam

Tarot Card : The Empress

Is your Sacral Chakra balanced?

The chakra is harmonious in people filled with joy, serenity, who like to take risks, dare, and surpass themselves. They are also people who are comfortable with their bodies and their sexuality.

He may be blocked by various disorders such as guilt, fear of commitment, boredom and loss of control.

Lying, jealousy, lack of libido, creativity and obsessive tendencies are many signs of a chakra dysfunctional .

So what can be done to balance it?

What yoga postures stimulate the Sacral chakra?

Goddess Pose, Utkata Konasana

Frog Pose, Bhekasana

The pigeon, Eka pada rajakapotanasana

The Diamond, Vajrasana

To see the full set of postures, click here.

Which mantras to stimulate the Sacred chakra?

I am enough.

I deserve to feel pleasure.

I am creative.

Other Ways to Stimulate the Sacral Chakra

This chakra being closely linked to the water element, we can bathe in a river, take a bath. Also reconnect with the body through massage or dance. Consume orange fruits and vegetables (carrots, peaches, apricots, oranges, squash ...).

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