The Heart Chakra, Anahata

The Heart Chakra teaches us Unconditional Love. To love others, we must first love ourselves.

Anahata Chakra Identity Card

Color : Green

Location : center of the chest

Element : the air

Keywords : love, tenderness, harmony, inner peace, compassion

musical note : Fa

Mantra: Yam

Tarot Card : The Lovers

Is your heart chakra balanced?

The chakra is harmonious in people who know how to enjoy the present moment, love and share without expecting anything in return, forgive and be grateful for what Nature offers us.

He may be blocked by various disorders such as grief, hatred, lack of self-love, fear of loneliness or of losing one's freedom.

Isolation, possessiveness, incomprehension, difficulty with others and accepting oneself or exhaustion are many signs of a chakra dysfunctional .

So what can be done to balance it?

What yoga postures stimulate the heart chakra?

The cobra, Bhujangasana

The inclined plank, Purvottanasana

The wheel, Urdhva Dhanurasana

The bow, Dhanurasana

To see the full set of postures, click here.

Which mantras to stimulate the heart chakra?

I am Love.

I am free.

I am well surrounded.

Other Ways to Stimulate the Heart Chakra

Smile and do activities that bring us joy. Share moments with loved ones and tell them that we love them. Do volunteer work or actions without expecting anything in return. Walk in the forest and eat green foods like avocado, kiwi, apple or broccoli.

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